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Update by Katelyn Boyett

Hey y'all!

Africa is so awesome and I wanted to tell you about something cool God allowed me to be a part of today . For the past three days we've been partnered with a local church here in Entebbe, going out with them doing door to door evangelism, and The Lord has really paved the way for us and given us awesome experiences!

Me and my partner were walking around with our translator and we stopped to talk to a man named Alex. He was sitting in a wheel barrow with music blasting from a stereo behind him, so I wasn't sure if he would be open to talking, but it turns out God had already paved the way for us.

We walked up and introduced ourselves to him, telling him we were from America and wanted to talk with him about Jesus if he'd listen. He said he would, and politely turned the music down, so I started sharing with him the good news; how much Jesus loves him and how he wants a personal relationship with him.

After I laid out the gospel as best I could, the translator asked him if he wanted to accept Christ into his heart. He said he did, so I led him in a prayer of salvation. After we prayed, our translator invited him to church that Sunday and then another man came up so they started talking to him, and Alex backed up and went to sit down a few yards away.

As my partner was talking to the other man, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to talk more with Alex and make sure he really understood the decision he'd made. I didn't just want it to be a five minute conversation and then "ok, come to church, bye!" So I went over and was able to explain more in depth what it means to truly give your life over to Christ, and how we are new people when we make the decision to invite Christ in.

I asked him if he had a Bible at home and he said he didn't, so I offered him mine, even though it was pink with my name on it. I figured it would do a lot more good than harm! So then I explained a little how the Bible is laid out, and how we can learn about Jesus in the gospels, the creation in Genesis and so forth, then we had to go so I encouraged him to just read and find out for himself how much God loves him.

As I was leaving I promised to pray for him, and that's one of the reasons I wanted to post this blog is to ask all of you to pray for him, too. Just pray that The Lord will give him knowledge of Himself and will give him Christian community where he can thrive in his new life.

I am very humbled because of the experience today. God has been teaching me a lot about His love on this trip; how there is no distinction between races or nationalities or religions- Christ died for them all. It has been so awesome to be able to carry out the Great Commission to the people of Uganda. It's been a very hard and emotional two weeks, but I can say with confidence that there's no place I'd rather be.

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20


Katelyn Boyett- Uganda


  1. Beautiful Katelyn! What a joy to see how God has already used you in Uganda! Thank you for sharing and for bringing Him glory!

  2. Wonderful! I will definitely pray for Alex and all those who are led to the Lord by Team Agape. I continue to pray that the Lord will open hearts and use and bless all of you throughout your ministry.

    Please continue to share your experiences with us. It is so encouraging to hear the Lord’s work being done and how it is impacting lives.

    Love in Christ,

  3. Ahh, so good to hear from you, my girl! Thank you for your update. I think I speak for all of us in saying it is exciting to hear from the “field” and to hear more about how the Lord is using you all to reach His beloved people, those just like Alex. Continue on in your boldness for Christ. God bless each and every one of you. Thank you for your sacrifices of the comforts and conveniences of home to “go ye into all the lands”.

    In Jesus’ great Name,
    (Katelyn’s mom)

  4. Katelyn,

    Thank you for sharing The Good News with Alex. Just think, at that wonderful second, he became a new creation in Christ…he will never be the same again.

    It is wonderful to hear of all God is doing through Team Agape.

    — Team Agape, continue to Be Strong In God…


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