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Update by Anna Combs

Oh, how beautiful Uganda is!

I've never seen a country full of so much beauty! Between the plants, buildings, dirt, animals, and people, this country can be so overwhelming! Unfortunately, I spent the first week of being in Uganda laying on my mattress on the floor sick with an illness I brought from the USA. But praise the Lamb I'm back to my 100 percent! All glory goes to God, he's the only one with healing powers!

It's hard to believe how quickly the time is flying by!! We have less than 2 weeks left in Uganda. 🙁 So, I was going to make this some serious mumbo jumbo blog, but that's definitely not who I am! So, here's my not so serious blog! 🙂

You Know You're in Uganda With Team Agape When…
1. Your toilet is a squatty, yet it flushes.
2. Your water does not work half the time.
3. Butter is now known as Blue Band.
4. Students at a school ask your favorite Ugandan food and everyone replies, "CHAPATI!"
5. You love and hate the song Father Abraham.
6. Running out of toilet paper is a frequent happening.
7. The power is sketchy, so who knows when it'll work.
8. You're trying to train the northerner on the team to say y'all.
9. You are starting to talk like the one team member from Minnesota.
10. Everything is a sing along.
11. Everyone says "Praise the Lamb" thanks to a leader.
12. You're now in a traveling family band.
13. Your alarm clock each morning is either the rooster crowing or the Muslim call to prayer.
14. Sharing skirts/wraps happens daily.
15. Both your leaders have crazy Thai pants.
16. You had to grab one of the guys to remove a lizard from your room.
17. Long talks at night turns into delirious laughing.
18. You and your roommate sit trying to beat candy crush levels until you realize you must accept failure.
19. When you get fruit at a meal it almost makes you cry tears of joy.
20. You admitted you stalked each other on Facebook before the trip.
21. When only 7 people wanted coke at that one lunch we had it, so you knew you'd get a lot.
22. You're writing this blog in the middle of the night because you're wide awake.
23. Hearing mzungu makes you joyful.
24. Every group prayer is ended saying "Lakes and Stuff."
25. You compete for who can find the most Winnie the Poohs on the street (babies with no pants and a red shirt).
26. Your house smells because you don't have water to flush the toilet.
27. Dry feet stained with red dirt are beautiful.
28. Your chef has 4 kids, yet she cooks, cleans, and does laundry all day.
29. You see a toilet for the first time at the Internet cafe, and tried to force yourself to use it.
30. You have a new family, your team.

While most of those weren't serious, God has revealed so much to me on this trip. I am seeing his glory shining more and more each day. I have the very best leaders anyone could ask for! My team is such a blessing! I will be so sad to say goodbye to my new family on August 2nd, but the beauty is, I know I will be able to spend eternity with this wonderful group of people! God is so good!!

I know we miss all of our family and friends so much!! We love you guys so much!

-Acts 1:8-

Anna Combs