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Serve Uganda..

Meet Onesmus Weru-

Onesmus has been involved with Adventures in Missions for more then four years. He serves on staff and is our East Africa site representative. Not only does he work with our Ambassador program at Adventures, he is also involved with the World Race, Adventures Youth and Adventures Encounter. While he partners with Adventures in MIssions, he also serves in the countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya. 
Onesmus is our main contact between Adventures and East Africa, and will set your team up with a local pastor to serve the community and people of Uganda. While serving in Uganda your ministry may include things such as: door to door evangelism, church services, teaching in local schools, crusades and children’s ministry.
Is the Lord calling you to serve in Uganda this summer? God can do so many things through people who are willing to take a leap of faith and step out and GO. How is the Lord calling you to serve in Uganda this summer?

Are you 14- 18 years old looking to do something amazing in Uganda? Click here.